"Come to the Eastern Carolina Village & Farm Museum!"

Eastern Carolina Village & Farm Museum 1840 - 1940 © 2019 | PRIVACY POLICY 


Another popular use of the Village is tours by various groups. These pictures show recent tours of the Village by an FFA group from California and by the Englewood Summer Camp from Rocky Mount.

Joanne Honeycutt talked to the FFA group in the 1903 Eagles School about the co-founders and the organization of the Village. In the below picture, Honeycutt pointed out the desks, built by two master carpenters from reclaimed timbers and modeled after the two original desks on display on the riser at the front of the room.

Jack Taft showed campers from Englewood Summer Camp in Rocky Mount items in the Satterthwaite Store's display case.

Roger Kammerer also spoke to the campers about all the different products found in a country store. The Satterthwaite Store came from Pactolus, NC.

Steve Row also talked to the campers about the occupational artifacts in the David T. House Building and the campers were very attentive during a talk on schools over a 100 years ago.

Finally, the Englewood campers listened to Roger Kammerer tell them about the Tyson Meeting House church pews (circa 1790s) and huddled around the old tin brake to hear Jack Taft explain how it works.